
Sunday 5 May 2019

10 Mysterious Photos that cannot be explained

DURING Early NASA missions a mysterious object in a polar orbit was detected. Due to the fact that humans had not yet launched any polar satellites, some claim this object is of alien origin. Which could explain the mysterious radio signals Nicola Tesla detected coming from space in 1899…


In this photograph a 1950’s family is shown taking a family photo at their dinner table…
Which appears perfectly normal , except for the dark body falling to the floor…



This photo taken from cctv shows a ghostly figure exiting a building…  No witnesses saw the hooded figure enter or leave the building. This photo is the only evidence of its brief appearance.


This photograph shows light that appear only in one specific valley in Norway . The cause of these mysterious floating lights is unknown.


This dark and massive creature was photographed travelling through the ocean near hook Island.The creature was never seen again, fueling wild speculation over its dark origins….


In 1924 two sailors on a tanker died from toxic fumes. Their bodies were buried at sea, under naval tradition. The crew of the ship claimed their haunting faces followed them in the water, snapping this picture to prove it…


This photograph taken in McMinnville in 1915 is a brief glimpse of a UFO travelling through the sky. To this day, whatever this oval shaped object actually is has not been definitively proven.


Known as the “Naga Balls” this picture is of a river in Thailand where bright orbs of light shoot out of the water.There are many theories, but few answers as to why these orbs keep emerging from the river.


This photo from the 1920’s look perfectly ordinary, save for this man dressed in apparently modern clothing. The identity of this man is still unknown. Some claim that the device he is holding isn’t even from the 1920’s.


A family went out into a field to take a picture of their daughter. As soon as the photo developed something went terribly wrong. A haunting white figure had appeared behind her. Whatever this figure is, it was not present in the empty field when the photo was taken.

1 comment:

  1. These are so interesting! Usually on lists like this, you get all the same photos, but I've never seen any of these before! That second one in particular is creepy!

    Sammy | Self-Care Sloth
